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More Clients
- the Online Marketing Newsletter
for Independent Professionals
from Action Plan Marketing
and Robert Middleton

In This Week's Issue: How can you start developing more relationships with Centers of Influence?


Centers of Influence Marketing

If I told you that the essence of business is building long-term, mutually-beneficial relationships, you'd say that this was nothing new, you've heard it a hundred times before.

But if I asked you what your plan was to build these relationships I'll bet most of you would draw a blank. Sadly, most business relationships just happen, they are not built intentionally and systematically.

Your development and implementation of a relationship-building strategy is not only important, it is the key to ongoing success for InfoGurus.

And the best business relationships are with business people known as "Centers of Influence." These are business people who are well established, are good networkers and who can lead you to the kind of clients you are looking for. You want to be in the network of several Centers of Influence.

But how do you find and connect with these people? Here's an Action Plan that will help make things move faster.

1. Target your Centers of Influence

Who can help you grow your business - that is, lead you to good potential clients? Consultants, attorneys, real estate agents? Write down a list of your ideal contacts and a brief profile for each. i.e., "Management Consultants in high tech who have clients in the fortune 500."

2. Define your value

What value can you offer these Centers of Influence? Sure, they could help you get access to your ideal clients, but what do you bring to the table? What skills, contacts, information or resources do you have? Make a comprehensive list. More in #6.

3. Points of contact

Where do your Centers of Influence congregate? Do they belong to specific professional organizations or business groups? Can they be found in online communities (see our Audio Program below)? Do your existing networking contacts know these people?

4. Assemble your information

If you're going to approach Centers of Influence, what materials will you use to put your best foot forward? Do you have a web site that looks credible and professional? Do you have a few "Core Issue Articles" that outline your expertise? You need to be ready with this material when you make contact.

5. Put out the word

An introduction to a Center of Influence will always trump a cold contact. Let those in your current network know who you are looking for. Send an email or letter and follow up with a telephone call. Then ask, "Who do you know who..." Then get their advice on the best way to approach this Center of Influence.

6. What's in it for them?

If and when you gain access to a Center of Influence, what are you going to propose? You can't just say "Here I am, please send potential clients my way." You need to have a compelling reason (also called Value Proposition) for them to associate with you. What exactly are you offering and what do you want them to do? (see more in Marketing Flashes below)

7. Invite them to participate

A great way to build the foundation for a relationship with a Center of Influence is to hook them up with others in your network. Invite them to a workshop, seminar or networking function where they can make valuable new contacts themselves.

8. Stay in touch system

Once you've made contact and have established the foundation for a relationship with a Center of Influence, you need to keep your ideas and value in front of them. How will you do that? An eZine, personal mailings, telephone calls or in-person get-togethers?

9. Reward your Centers of Influence

When a Center of Influence sends you a lead to a new potential client, make sure you show your appreciation. A phone call, a hand written note and even an appropriate gift lets them know you that you don't take their assistance for granted. Also, keep them in the loop with your progress with this lead.

I have worked with clients who have developed relationships with just two or three good Centers of Influence who have brought them hundreds of thousands in new business. With a focused, intentional plan you could be doing the same.

More on "Centers of Influence Marketing" in Marketing Flashes below.


New Audio Program: How to Build a Powerful Business Network Online

This month's Audio Program on "How to Build a Powerful Business Network Online" with online networking InfoGuru, Scott Allen, provides the know-how to build your network, increase your visibility and leverage every contact you make.

This program shows you how to use simple tools and online communities to dramatically expand your network of contacts and clients in less time and with less expense. As usual, it contains how-to and hands-on strategies you can implement immediately.

Please take a minute and check it out and make sure to take advantage of the Free Bonus Audio Program I'm including on "Centers of Influence, Joint Ventures and Referrals."


Marketing Flashes on "Centers of Influence Marketing"

The one part of the Action Plan that may have you stumped is #6 "What's in it for them?" Here are a few ideas for approaching a Center of Influence by demonstrating you have value to offer. These are basic "value proposition scripts" that you can adapt to your situation.

* To a consultant from a non-competing consultant: "John suggested I call you because we've helped dozens of clients in the telecommunications industry (who are also their clients). I have a report called 'Best Practices for Increasing Profits.' Can I send you a copy? Then I'd like to follow up and learn more about your business. I think we may have some ways we could help each other."

* To a real estate agent from a home stager: "I've recently helped five real estate agents sell homes about 35% faster at 10% above market value with no cost to them. Our mutual friend, James Green, thought you'd like to see how we'd done it (and so I could show you how we could also do it for your clients)."

* To an accountant from a business coach: "I was sharing some of my case studies with our mutual associate, Gail Brown, and she said this was the kind of thing you'd want to see. They focus on increasing profitability for retailers (clients you share in common)."

* To bank from a management consultant: "I and an accountant you know, Richard White, are hosting a seminar on "Strategies for Increasing Cash Flow" and we'd like to talk to you about being a co-presenter (and inviting your customers to attend)."

* To a web developer from a graphic designer: "I recently added the graphics to a web site you did the programming for and since I don't do programming and you don't do graphics, I'd like to meet and see if we could help each other grow our businesses (by sending leads to each other)."

Until next week, all the best,

Robert Middleton

Helping Independent Professionals Attract More Clients


210 Riverside Drive
Boulder Creek, CA 95006

Contact by email

© 2004 Robert Middleton, All rights reserved. You are free to use material from the More Clients eZine in whole or in part, as long as you include complete attribution, including live web site link. Please also notify me where the material will appear. The attribution should read:

"By Robert Middleton of Action Plan Marketing. Please visit Robert's web site at for additional marketing articles and resources on marketing for professional service businesses."

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