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- the Online Marketing Newsletter
for Independent Professionals
from Action Plan Marketing
and Robert Middleton

In This Week's Issue: What are your true marketing talents and how can you develop them? It starts by knowing your type.


Your Marketing Type

When relatives get together, they inevitably start telling stories from the past. While at my sister's wedding last week, a sister told one told on me about my behavior at Halloween. (For those not in the U.S. or Canada, this is a rather strange holiday on October 31 where kids dress up in costume and collect vast quantities of candy from neighbors.)

Apparently I was the consummate trick-or-treater. I would work very hard to get all the candy I could (collected in a large pillowcase) and then went home to catalog all my booty into various categories: 20 suckers, 15 tootsie rolls, 32 candy bars, etc.

What I realized was that I still have this tendency to be very organized, and it's helped me be a better marketer. I have very clear goals, I keep good statistics and track results almost obsessively.

The ah-ha that I had was that if people were more aware of various childhood talents, they could probably tell what kind of marketing they would do best at, enabling them to capitalize on their strengths.

I don't make any claims for scientific categorizations, but I'm willing to bet you'll see yourself in here somewhere. And these categories don't mean that you'll automatically be good at this type of marketing, just that you have talents in that direction

Relationship Marketer

When you were young, you put a lot of importance on your friendships. It was important for you to play with your friends, get along, and be popular. You didn't do so well on your own.

As a marketer, you'll do the best with networking. You have a natural talent for meeting people and striking up friendships and keeping in touch. You feel it's who you know, rather than what you know that helps you be more successful.

The pitfall for a Relationship Marketer is that you can make networking an end unto itself. That is, you'll join various groups, become an officer of organizations and spend huge amounts of time while forgetting that the purpose of networking is to connect with potential clients.

Aesthetic Marketer

As a child did you find yourself interested in the arts? You enjoyed craft projects, painting and sculpting things out of clay. Colors, shapes and balance all came naturally to you.

As a marketer, you're able to use visuals to attract and persuade. Your business card, brochure and web site are all elegant and attention-getting. Every marketing piece you put out draws people into your world.

The pitfall for the Aesthetic Marketer is that you can get too caught up in form over substance. You need to make sure your marketing materials contain relevant, persuasive information as well as look attractive.

Project Marketer

You were the kid who could always be counted on to get things done. You were into science projects and building stuff. You owned a set of Leggo or Lincoln Logs and always had one or more projects going.

As a marketer, you are well organized and on purpose. You know what you want and you are very focused on getting it. You have a talent for bringing together ideas, resources and people to make something happen.

The pitfall for the Project Marketer is that you can get so involved in the project that you forget that the purpose is to persuade prospects to take action. A project can't be an end unto itself, but a means to an end.

Team Marketer

You enjoyed sports in school and especially enjoyed being on a team and working towards a common goal. You took coaching well and knew how to be a valued member of the team. Winning was important to you.

As a marketer, you'll do better as a member of a group. Going it alone is not for you. You like clear division of labor and spreading around the responsibility. You can see the big picture, you just don't want to do it all.

The pitfall for a Team Marketer is that if you are an Independent professional, you may feel isolated and overwhelmed. You need to work at building a virtual team of competent vendors and experts.

Academic Marketer

In school you liked books and math. You actually enjoyed your homework and loved learning new things. You always felt a bit like an outsider but felt happiest when you were learning something new.

As a marketer, you are talented at using the written word to persuade. You enjoy models that explain your approach or process. You go to great lengths to present ideas that demonstrate what you can do and how you can do it.

The pitfall of the Academic Marketer is just the opposite of tho Aesthetic Marketer. Your marketing can come across as cold or dull. You take too long to get to the point. You need to work at packaging your message more attractively.

Presentation Marketer

You were the class clown and could always get others to laugh. You were a ham that preferred to be on the stage instead of in the audience. Drama class was your favorite. You thrived on attention and accolades.

As a marketer, you're most comfortable giving talks and presentations. You know you can win over prospects if you can give them a demonstration or motivate them to take action. You love being a star and inspiring people to be the best they can be.

The pitfall for the Presentation Marketer is that you can get caught up in looking good. You can become more of a performer than a marketer and put on presentations that entertain but don't really persuade.

Those are six marketing types that I'm familiar with. I'm sure there are more. (Please share them with me.)

If you become aware of your particular marketing strength or talent, work to develop it to its fullest. But at the same time, realize that each type has it's limitations. The best marketer is someone who develops several of these talents (we all have more than one) to become a truly effective at attracting new clients.

More on "Your Marketing Type" in Marketing Flashes below.


"Authoring a Book" Teleseminar is today.

If you haven't yet reserved your space in the Free TeleSeminar on Authoring, Publishing and Marketing a book with publishing consultant, John Eggen, I invite you to reserve your space right now.

It will be held today, October 26 at 4:00 p.m Pacific time. For more information and to reserve a space, click below:

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InfoGuru Marketing How-To-Series: Lets you both read and listen

Ever read something in a book and it didn't leave much of an impression on you, and then heard the same thing spoken by the author and you "got it" for the first time?

That's the power of the spoken word. And that's why our live and recorded TeleSeminars are so popular. People want to hear these marketing ideas from the horse's mouth to help them understand the subtle distinctions of what attracts clients to your business.

I've collected six of my most popular TeleSeminars into one big package, recorded them onto CD, transcribed them word-for-word and put them into a 195 page Transcription Book. So now you can both read and listen to marketing ideas that will help you attract more clients.

To learn more about this program, click below:

Note: If you have previously bought one or more of the programs included in this package separately - either the CD or TeleSeminar - let me know in the comments section of your order form and I'll refund the full price of the original program!

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Want a solid marketing foundation? The InfoGuru Marketing Manual is the place to start.

Are you struggling to attract clients? Do you want to attract clients more consistently? Are you looking for specific marketing how-tos for Independent Professionals? Do you need specific, tested action plans for networking, speaking, marketing messages, web sites, referrals and email newsletters?

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Find out more about the manual here and order online:


Until next week, all the best,

Robert Middleton

Helping Independent Professionals Attract More Clients


210 Riverside Drive
Boulder Creek, CA 95006

Contact by email

© 2004 Robert Middleton, All rights reserved. You are free to use material from the More Clients eZine in whole or in part, as long as you include complete attribution, including live web site link. Please also notify me where the material will appear. The attribution should read:

"By Robert Middleton of Action Plan Marketing. Please visit Robert's web site at for additional marketing articles and resources on marketing for professional service businesses."

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