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More Clients
- the Online Marketing Newsletter
for Independent Professionals
from Action Plan Marketing
and Robert Middleton

In This Week's Issue: What's the greatest gift you can give anyone? It can change your life and your business.


The Greatest Gift

It's almost Christmas.

I remember two Christmas presents I longed for when I was a kid - a watch and a bow and arrow. I knew they would make me happy. And in their own way, I guess, they did.

But as you get older things change. Material things simply don't hold the appeal they once did. As someone once said, "You can never get enough of what you don't really want."

So what do you really want (for Christmas or any other time)?

The best I've been able to figure out is that people want, more than anything else, to make a difference, to make a contribution to others (family, friends, clients, anyone and everyone).

In other words, to give fully of ourselves. But what can we give that will make that difference? What will make the biggest possible contribution to others?

If you get this one, you not only get to fulfill your greatest desire but the greatest desire of others. And the best thing about it is that it costs nothing, takes little time, and has long-lasting benefits. It works any time and in any place.

The funny thing is that we have a terrible time giving it.

And no, it's not love, compassion, friendship, etc. Those are wonderful gifts as well. But they are not the ultimate contribution. They really pale in comparison.

And one of the saddest things is that if you fail to give this you can trigger a lot of misery, resentment, frustration and misunderstanding. The inability to give this causes alienation, divorce and wars. And yet it's so simple to give.

Are you ready for the answer?

The greatest contribution

you can make to another

is to let them contribute...

to YOU.

Since what we want most of all is to contribute, if you fully receive that contribution (whatever it is), you're making the ultimate contribution to another.

When someone wants to help you - let them. When you get a compliment - receive it graciously. When someone has an idea or resource for you - show your thanks. Whenever a loved one tries to share something with you - listen attentively.

When you accept a contribution, another wonderful thing happens - you pave the way for more contributions. It can be a never-ending upward spiral. And it feels wonderful.

Now don't mess this up by waiting for others to accept your contributions with open arms. They might not. Turn it around. Put your attention on accepting their contributions in the most expansive way you can imagine.

I hope you realize that applying this to your business could add a whole new dimension of fun and fulfillment. It just might transform the way you do business and enrich you in the process.

I'll save that for next week.

If you have some very specific ideas about how Independent Professionals can make a contribution by allowing others to contribute to them, I'd be happy to include them in the More Clients eZine next week. (Yes, I want your contributions!)


The More Clients Bottom Line: The greatest contribution you can make to others is allowing them to contribute to you. Take this on as a challenge - find as many ways as possible to do this in your life and your business and see what miracles happen.

Happy Holidays, Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanza everyone!


Contribute to yourself as well

Giving things to yourself that make a difference and then really appreciating that gift is a very smart way to treat yourself! Give yourself things that will help you grow, be more successful and make a bigger difference to others.

In the marketing realm you know what I'm going to recommend!

The InfoGuru Marketing Manual - I expect this will be a the top of a lot of Christmas lists this year. And there's so much included in the manual (hours of audio, hundreds of pages of marketing how-tos and even a group of friends to support you in your marketing) that it will last well into the New Year.


The Action Plan Toolkit - This will help you figure out what you really want in your business and then help you get it. It includes the ideas and tools to get you on track and create a marketing plan that will get you where you want to go in 2006.


The Web Site ToolKit - Imagine a shiny new web site under the Christmas tree this year! You can have it with this do-it-yourself ToolKit that guides you step-by-step in assembling a client-attracting web site. No batteries required.


That's all Santa has in his Action Plan Marketing sack this year. Have a wonderful Holiday Season and I'll be in touch with you next week.


Until next week, all the best,

Robert Middleton

Cracking the Marketing Code for Independent Professionals


210 Riverside Drive
Boulder Creek, CA 95006

Contact by email

© 2005 Robert Middleton, All rights reserved. You are free to use material from the More Clients eZine in whole or in part, as long as you include complete attribution, including live web site link. Please also notify me where the material will appear. The attribution should read:

"By Robert Middleton of Action Plan Marketing. Please visit Robert's web site at for additional marketing articles and resources on marketing for professional service businesses."

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